
2024-09-19 18:46来源:


  • 如何闯入拱门入口
  • 围攻修道院外墙
  • 修道院外墙-第一个捷径
  • 修道院外墙:第二条捷径


P runs across the sands of the Black Seaside toward ergo memory in Lies of P

  • 暗淡Ergo片段
  • 新月Moonstone
  • 隐藏的牛叫声nstone
  • 生动的Ergo片段
  • 隐藏的牛叫声nstone
  • 新月Moonstone x2
  • 隐藏的牛叫声nstone
  • 生动的Ergo片段
  • 暗淡Ergo片段

P rushes up the sand dunes toward the outer fortress of Arche Abbey in Lies of P

P runs toward the artillery machines at Arche Abbey to destroy them in Lies of P

P destroys artillery behind him and runs forward to take the So Said Pistris II letter Lies of P

  • 新月Moonstone
  • 双子座的紧急防护
  • 隐藏的牛叫声nstone
  • 生动的Ergo片段

P goes up stairs to the gate where Door Guardian patrols in Lies of P

P with scythe walks to the right while locked o<em></em>nto Door Guardian in combat Lies of P

P critical stabs the staggered Door Guardian in Lies of P

  1. 积极闪避,并向前寻找机会获得尽可能多的攻击。
  2. 远离守卫者的左边(你的右边)。不要攻击它。
  3. 避免使用长臂武器,可能会抓住左边的攻击结束。
  4. 完美守卫所有怒火攻击与相同的co尽可能保持一致性。
  5. 使用强力攻击时e。
  6. 不要错过交错暴击的机会。这就是你所有的伤害都将来自。
  7. 携带铅球增加错误率。

P holds up High Level Alchemist Badge to glowing door in Lies of P


Overhead View of the Arche Abey in Lies of P As Bridge rises

P stands behind the Palisades to take shelter from artillery shells and bull beast in Lies of P

P runs across the Arche Abbey raised bridge in outer walls to breach fort in Lies of P

P locks o<em></em>nto Hammer Carcass patrolling bridge and guarded by artillery in Lies of P

P backstabs hammer carcass with first Arche Abbey shortcut in sight in Lies of P

P faces bottom of stairs and final Artillery Machine in Arche Abbey walls Lies of P

P throws Sharp Pipe to bait scorpion beast off abbey bridge in Lies of P


P runs toward ledge near Outer Wall Stargazer to begin breach in Lies of P

Arrow points from P into room to the left in first Arche Abbey path split Lies of P

P runs after pink Dimensio<em></em>nal Butterfly in Arche Abbey Outer Wall room Lies of P

P finds shortcut door leading out of the Arche Abbey Outer Wall Lies of P


P defeats Disruption dog and rapid fire carcass and runs down left hall Outer Wall in Lies of P

P looks up to see Disruption Dog clinging to ceiling of side room in Lies of P

P fights the Scorpion Carcass near Acidic Great Curved Sword location in Lies of P

P looks down missing bridge toward scorpion carcass and another artillery machine in Lies of P

P stops as pillar from wall juts out in stair trap in Lies of P

P looks down from ladder to Outer Wall Artillery Machine as enemies return in Lies of P

P looks down at items near switch and ladder for Outer Wall second shortcut in Lies of P

P with built decay rushes toward scorpion carcass on bridge to defeat it and take nearby chest in Lies of P

P looks to ladder that leads into the Inner Arche Abbey Sanctum in Lies of P

